It may be late April, but here in the UK it seems to have forgotten that it’s meant to be spring! Normally by now my warmer knits would have been washed, dried and put away, but not this year! This year, the aran accessories are still very much in use! And whilst usually April might be considered a strange time to launch an aran weight pattern, this year I think it might be quite welcome.
And so I am pleased to introduce this cute little pattern for my Beanie Number 2 design.
This pattern is super simple and perfect for beginner and experienced knitters alike! It’s such a quick and easy knitting project too that also looks great on anyone! I’ve cast one of these beauties on at about 6pm and I’ve been wearing it at 11pm! Not bad if you have 90m of aran yarn kicking about and an evening to fill! But it’s a great little knit for taking out and about with you to wile away those school pick up or appointment waiting times, or simply when you need a few hours to yourself in your favourite coffee spot.
Now, some of you will be saying, “I recognise that stitch pattern!” And you wouldn’t be wrong! Because this beanie hat is the perfect companion to my Cowl Number 2, Cowl Number 2.1 and even my best selling Scarf Number 2!
And if you want to read about how this stitch pattern came to be, you can read about that in this previous post!
This is a standard size close fitting beanie that takes this familiar stitch pattern and uses its chevrons to great affect to create a neat, elegant crown. Whether it’s simple or elaborate, I love looking at the crown of knitted hat and this beanie graduates down to a simple 6 point crown that finishes the knit off neatly.
So whether you are looking for a new project to keep you entertained for the evening or if you’re looking to enhance yours or someone else’s autumn to spring outdoor adventure wardrobe, this is the pattern for you. And as it is the perfect companion to the patterns above, why not knit yourself the set? There will be pattern bundles available in my Payhip and Ravelry stores by the end of the day for the beanie and either Cowl Number 2 or Cowl Number 2.1 patterns.
I hope you enjoy this beanie pattern as much as I do and I can’t wait to see you sporting your versions this autumn...or next week if this cold snap continues!
Happy knitting!